torstaina, joulukuuta 30, 2004

And happy new year

2004 is almost over... one more year gone. And new coming, with new adventures and new possibilities! I'm going to have such a good time 2005, so if someone what to to be with me in my big, all year around party just call me or give my a visit!

Still I think 2004 have been the best year of my life!! I have done so many things, tried new stuff (nothing illegal). And meet so many new great people!!!

And tomorrow... o my gad.... 'áramótaballið' at Hvollsvöllur!! Party party party
And I will be there, they are so lucky there this year.

I wish you all good tima at New Year's Eve. Thanks so much for all the good moments this year.

tiistaina, joulukuuta 21, 2004

Gleðileg jól

Merry Christmas everybody, I´m off to Flúðir

Gleðileg jól öllsömull.
Já ég er farinn á Flúðir, og heim í sveitina, loksins loksins loksins.

Hafðið það sem allra best.


- Hjalti

Er svo athyglissjúkur

Yes.... just want to let you know about the music video we maked in my summer job... so cool!!!
Tjekk it out and let me know how my acting skills are ;)

maanantaina, joulukuuta 20, 2004

4 !!!!!!

I did pass 4 units at school!!!! Already mutch better :D:D
Now I´m in Christmas feeling!!

On Saturday Marta and Dísa came over and we had little Christmas party, made 'músastiga'. Eated Christmas cookies and drinked Christmas malt!! So even more Christmas decoration and lights !!!!
And on top of everuthing I went to the Christmas-songs in Langholtskirkju!! To go there is going to be point were I got the spirit...

perjantaina, joulukuuta 17, 2004

And there were ......

Yesterday was the MH´s christmas ball. Just like every other one. This one where though quite good! A least I did have enjoyable night. And I think others had good time to.
But, whhoo how long time since I have went to ball and also to a real party.... well it fell like a long time!
Yes, the pre-party was a.... (humm).. amusing!! Dísa was there in the spotlight ;) And of course Eyrnalangur had his enterings!! If you don´t know him you must have to read last post!
Thanks everyone for last night!!! Life is sweet!


I got new best friend. His name is Eyrnalangur. He is a rabbit..... Sigrún’s rabbit. He is very nice guy and I like him very much. He seams to like me to, a least a little bit!
Even though it always nice to visit Sigrún, I look more forward to meet Eyrnalangur. He is just such a funny fellow!

And everyone should applaud for me; I finished 1 unit in my school! And here is my new choice for next semester! I know, not so interesting, but this is my blogg!!
Ísl 503 (Icelandic) Again! The last Icelandic course, wweeeiiii
Ens 413 (English) Penultimate!!! And Kaisu after this one I will be English expert!!
Fra 203 (French) Again! I totally suck in this!
Sag 303 (History) Cultural history. La la ley
Líf 103 (Biology) Second course in this. Not have to take it but biology is one of my ‘place emphasis on’ subjects (kjörsviðsgrein)
Tom 102 (Music) Listen to classic music. Think! Get units for do your hobby!
Líl 111 (?????) Trip to Þingvellir and do some tasks. Ba-a ram.
Lík 301 (Gymnastics) Always fun!
Doesn’t sound nice???

tiistaina, joulukuuta 14, 2004

Français , le meilleur dans le monde

Yeahhh!! I’m at "holiday"!!!! Or well.. No school at least.
Had French exam today, totally sucked there!!! Like almost all the others exams, have to take most courses again :(
Well anyway nothing else interesting in my news.
Yes, just for your knowledge I say "holiday" because now I have to go back to my paperwork!! Big Yeahhh?? Have to write a least 3 reports and read the laws about youth work. Yes my newest task is lead work of the National youth council of Iceland to come with reference about them for the change the parliament is going to do.
On Sunday we had this Christmas party at the blind association youth committee, 9 people show up, mostly kids, but we had fun! My apartment have more of decoration now: D And because so many of you my friends have heard me complain about Bergvin/Begga sometime I have to say he have done great job organize this and also with a trip I let him organize with the wheelchair people in january!! It seams to be something to him when he just wants to show it!!! The list of bad thing about him would be longer, but then I don’t have to see him so much now and mostly about 'work'. Its was just unhealthy when I had to be around him almost 24-7 (sometimes I had). Well enough of bad memories!
This week I´m at small seminar at the Low vision station (Sjónstöðinni). Today I baked biscuits and made 'konfect'(confect?). Even made Finnish Joulu tähti ;) Tomorrow is some fixings and Friday a Mall trip! Today were there me, deaf blind woman, the chairman of the deaf blind association and the ex-chairman of the Blind association. Last two around 60 years old; I’m always hanging out with the cool, young people??? ;);)

Well if you are very intresting in my life you should be happy now.

- Farið nú ekki yfirum á jólastressinu!

perjantaina, joulukuuta 10, 2004

Ný tilraun

Ætla að prófa að skrifa á ensku. Þarf að æfa mig til að sumir verði ánægðir!°

Just came from my first test at MH, Nat 123 (chemistry). And also think I passed it.
Before that I was at the university at some research about accessibility blind people to computers... very interesting. Specially 4 pages questionnaire about "How I feel about it".
On Monday and Thursday I have 3 exams... so I should study, hard. But no, tomorrow Sölvi are having Lord of the rings marathon and after that people can stop be shocked about that I haven’t seen number one, that I don't know the name of, I those fan that will have problem with that, can have it for me!
And Sunday will be nice, the youth committee for Blind are having Christmas party where we make Christmas decoration and I’m going to be kitchen lady and helping the kids make 'músastiga'.

Well now I can say I have matriculation examination in science together with, sociology, math and philosophy. I'm getting there. And after this semester hopefully finish 74 units of 140!! I'm getting there...

maanantaina, joulukuuta 06, 2004

Og en koma jólin, prófin og allt tilheyrandi !!!!

Já ekki er maður búinn að vera duglegur að blogga! Bæði búinn að vera busy, latur og alveg heilalaus um hvað ég eigi að tjá mig um hér!
Það sem ég get uppfrætt ykkur um líf mitt þessa dagana er voðalega fyrirsjávanlegt; próf, jólastress og veikindi!!!!
Reyndar tvennt skemmtilegt sem ég hef ekkert tjáð mig um, ferðina til Kraká sem var gargandi snilld!!
Myndirnar er hægt að skoða á
Tómt stuð!!
Síðan fór ég líka til Finnlands á EVS námskeið. Nokkuð gaman líka.... með gamla fólkinu ;)
Svo já æjji nenni ekki tuða meira um ekki neitt !!!!
