Yeahhh!! I’m at "holiday"!!!! Or well.. No school at least.
Had French exam today, totally sucked there!!! Like almost all the others exams, have to take most courses again :(
Well anyway nothing else interesting in my news.
Yes, just for your knowledge I say "holiday" because now I have to go back to my paperwork!! Big Yeahhh?? Have to write a least 3 reports and read the laws about youth work. Yes my newest task is lead work of the National youth council of Iceland to come with reference about them for the change the parliament is going to do.
On Sunday we had this Christmas party at the blind association youth committee, 9 people show up, mostly kids, but we had fun! My apartment have more of decoration now: D And because so many of you my friends have heard me complain about Bergvin/Begga sometime I have to say he have done great job organize this and also with a trip I let him organize with the wheelchair people in january!! It seams to be something to him when he just wants to show it!!! The list of bad thing about him would be longer, but then I don’t have to see him so much now and mostly about 'work'. Its was just unhealthy when I had to be around him almost 24-7 (sometimes I had). Well enough of bad memories!
This week I´m at small seminar at the Low vision station (Sjónstöðinni). Today I baked biscuits and made 'konfect'(confect?). Even made Finnish Joulu tähti ;) Tomorrow is some fixings and Friday a Mall trip! Today were there me, deaf blind woman, the chairman of the deaf blind association and the ex-chairman of the Blind association. Last two around 60 years old; I’m always hanging out with the cool, young people??? ;);)
Well if you are very intresting in my life you should be happy now.
- Farið nú ekki yfirum á jólastressinu!