maanantaina, kesäkuuta 19, 2006

Ert þú þjóðhátíðarnefnd?

This was my best 17. june ever. (our independece day) Normaly I´m quite bored this day but now I was working and it was great fun.
I was taking care of lost kids, runing where I was needed, get peolpe food and stuff!
Afterwards I meet Anna Gúðrún and Sölvi and poor them! I was hyperactive for two hours :þ
Then I went with Edda and co. to see Dísa and i realiced that perhaps I won´t meet her again for long, long, long time..... I´m geting dramatik about this.

And today I got letter from Arla, the school I have applied for. And I have to be their for two weeks entry period. And it starts 14. of august. If I will pass thoughs exams I would start immediately. So now I just cross my fingers.

55 days to go....


At 12:25 ap., Blogger Dísadís said...

Hjalti minn, við bara finnum okkur tíma til að hittast! Búum hann til ef ekki vill betur!

At 3:06 ip., Blogger Sigrún said...

úhú... þú rúllar þessu upp :D

At 4:41 ip., Blogger Hjalti said...

Takk :)

Vonandi Dísa!


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