perjantaina, toukokuuta 12, 2006

Winter is over

This time english.. maybe because what I'm going to talk about.

Well this more then two weeks since I last blogged, interesting time but nothing that would sound new, just work, meetings, projects and trip to Finland.

I spend 10 hours hanging up black plasticbags for the blind coffehouse we put up for ‘Art without bourders‘ (List án Landamæra), artfestival of disabled. I want to thank the people that came to help us! They saved my live !!

One more thing I got out of, board of UngBlind where I have been chairman past year. So very happy me now! Then I got mail from general manager of the Icelandic Disabled Federation (ÖBÍ) asking me to take seat in board of Disableds Commputer Center (Tölvumiðstöð Fatlaðra) and I don´t even know what that is!
I though now I had way to get out of this with telling them that I where perhaps moving abroad after few months but they still want me to be there until then! And ofcaurse I couldn´t say no :/

Finland, my dear Finland. After 7 months away I where finaly back home to Finland. Yes I always get the "I´m home" feeling when I arrive to Finland.
I have been wondering why I like that country so much. What is so extra good about it? What is so bad about Iceland? Is it because it where the first country out side of Iceland I spended more then 4 days? Is it because of speacial someone? Is it my destany? Will I hate it after three years there? Will I ever move back? I have no answers, just bunch of questions.
But I know I already miss it (got back 5 days ago) and can´t wait to get back, hopefully in begining of june! Going back and meeting people again made me realice that it isn´t just in my head! My heard is in Finland. Wow now this is getting to sentimental.

Soon to come, my first try of blogging in Finish!

But now I´m back to work. Now we are starting to move summer gear! And it will be madness this summer! I have to start to save enegry!
But I still hoping that YOU! will join me for party-summer! I will need that so I will not totally lose my mind in the madness!

Vorið er tíminn! Sjáumst!


At 9:19 ip., Blogger hukkatyttö said...

hmm, I don't have any answers either,
but one thing is sure:
Finland will be happy to welcome you
as a permanent resident :)
Let's hope Arla knows
whats good for you,
good for them,
and good for Finland!

and until then,
party on!

At 7:16 ip., Blogger Salóme Mist said...

Oh.. partý sumar.. það hljómar svo vel!

At 9:43 ip., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

partý partý partý
vinna vinna vinna!!
(Y) ú je!! hehe
farin aæ læra

At 12:10 ip., Blogger Dísadís said...

Sorry... Lítið partý hjá mér í sumar... Nema bara sveitadjammið;) Og jú, svo veit ég ekki alveg, aðstæður mínar eru, eins og vanalega hjá mér, frekar flóknar akkúrat núna svo ég veit ekki alveg hvar ég stend og hvort ég mun nýta öll tækifæri í sumar til að keyra til stórborgarinnar, drekka og djamma með vinum og kunningjum, og vera svo þunn í vinnunni... Kemur allt í ljós, allt í ljós... Vonandi...
Oi Suomi, sinum päivais koita! Eða eitthvað þannig...

At 5:37 ap., Blogger Hjalti said...

Nema þú hafir verið að segja 'Finland, þitt dag heimili' er ég ekki alveg að fylgja:Þ en ekkert að marka það. for them, best for Finland... are you sure..!

Party Party Party

Kíkjum við ekki bara á sveitadjamið...

At 10:37 ip., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

At 10:51 ip., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

At 12:03 ap., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

At 12:18 ap., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.


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