I'm trying to make new lifestyle for myself. I have to make new lifestyle...
Big part of it came naturaly by moving to the great country of Finland, not all of it is because of "the moving" more that on the same time I started to eat more healthy, less work, bit to litle at this moment
But I need to take it all the way, that will be fun journey.
I know quite some people here in Finland, many of them I haven't harass.... jet ;) muhahaha.. and fortunately I have few very good friends over here. But it's a change not to have all my fiends around me all the time, bit lonely but first and foremost get me to appreciate how lucky I have been.
Of corse I knew I would miss my friends.
I have slowly been finding out about the papperwork that attach with moving from country to country as well learning how lot of stuff work around here.
Then is lot of things to deside. What phone company to have bussnies with, Elisa, Saunalahti, Sonera..... At what bank should I open bank account, Sampo, Ålandsbanken, Nordea.... What kind of appartment should I look for, where, when, from where can I get information...
My head is full of quistions. The internet is my friend, as well with Espoo's guide for immigrants hehe. And can't forget good friend that is helping alot.
Well then my Finnish is coming... slowly. The newest word is blind = soker or something like that. But I'm doing more progress in understanding the language, sometimes I knew the supject even thoug I understand very few word in the conversation.
I wish you the very best with your Finnish studies! Here's a piece of advice; be careful with these words:
sokeri = sugar
sokea = blind
Although, some blind people can be quite sweet ;)
So I've _heard... ha ha!
Hehe :Þ Kiitos! ;) Well I gueest it was wrong.. But thats how I can learn, from mistakes
Hæj Hjaltakrútt
Hef ekki lesið bloggið þitt lengi, er orðin voða löt við að lesa blogg yfir höfuð!! Las samt núna allar færslurnar sem þú hefur skrifað í ágúst...
Æðislegt að heyra að þú sért kominn inn í skólann, vona að þetta eigi eftir að vera góð lífsreynsla að dvelja þarna í þessu kalda landi :)
Pappírsvesen við fluttninga milli landa.. kannast við það!! Ugh ugh! Btw Nordea eru asnar (að mínu mati).
Ok... Nordea strikað út ;)
Ég sakna þín líka Hjalti!
Það er gott að þér gengur eitthvað með finnskuna !! Ég held að þetta sé þér í blóð borið, kæmi engum á óvart ef þú hefðir verið Finni í fyrra lífi ;) Hlakka til að heyra í þér við tækifæri!
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