perjantaina, joulukuuta 16, 2005

7 thing

And here for Stina… and others no Icelandic speaking… doted there are some!

7 things that I want to do before I die
1. Finnish some study
2. Get used to sauna
3. Have a family
4. Travel to a least 6 countertrends
5. Learn to trust my colleges to do things “as well as me…”
6. Start to say no when I’m asked to do some project
7. Learn finish

7 things I can’t do...
1. Know exactly how my friends look like
2. Make things happen
3. Write long enough essays
4. Trust others for some tasks
5. Sing
6. Sleep in car when it’s driving

7 things I can do
1. be boring
2. Write reports
3. Play two instruments (not well though)
4. Not pay in buses
5. Read Braille
6. Bake pancakes on to pans at once
7. Get in nerves on people

7. Things that charm me about the other sex
1. Smile
2. Humor
3. Talents
4. Personality (be yourself)
5. Voice

7 words I say often
1. Jeminn ( jeminn)
2. HA! (Ha!)
3. Ekki fyndið (Not funny)
4. Sé það ekki (Can´t see it)
5. Hvar… (Where)
6. sko (sko)
7. ..pissa (ekki spyrja) (Pee (not ask))

7 thing I see right now
1. Bright from the computer screen
2. Shadow of something
3. Light from left
4. Black from right
5. 7 thing…. jeminn


At 9:21 ap., Blogger hukkatyttö said...

thank you.
some of those I could figure out,
but most needed a little clarification. so thanks Hjalti!

and by the way,
I think I know what 'spyrja' means... hihi

in Finnish the base form of the verb is 'yrjötä'.
(not what you find in a dictionary but what the Kids say)

just you to know it

good luck with your studies,
especially in Finnish!

just joo

At 1:42 ip., Blogger hukkatyttö said...

I was wrong about the 'spyrja'
and it was all a misunderstanding,
but who cares
-- you learned a new word of Finnish! :)

something that might come in handy after a wild party
..or when you're ill


a terrible language

At 7:01 ap., Blogger Hjalti said...

Not try to be smart dear Stina. Only months and then you have to talk icelandic all the time ;)

At 1:09 ap., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

how the hell can you make pancakes on two pans at once??

and, excuse me! you make things happen all the time, and you're not at all boring... maybe you better add "talk well of myself" to your things-I-can't-do-list...

well I know, I shouldn't make bothering comments on your posts, I'm sorry, but I know you'll forgive me because I like you best the way you are ;)

At 9:52 ip., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

At 10:25 ip., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

At 10:38 ip., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

At 10:56 ip., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

At 11:46 ip., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

At 12:10 ap., Anonymous Anonyymi said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.


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