sunnuntai, helmikuuta 19, 2006

En eitt klukkið

4 störf sem ég hef unnið um ævina:
Grænmetismarkaður á Flúðum
Útihátiðinni ‘Iðandi dagar’

4 bíómyndir sem ég gæti horft á aftur og aftur:
Humm, flestar.. engar sérstakar held ég

4 staðir sem ég hef búið á:
Skollagróf, Hrunamannahreppi
Dvergabakka 32
Hamrahlíð 17

4 sjónvarpsþættir sem eru í uppáhaldi:
Humm horfi ekkert á sjónvarp og veit því ekkert hvað er í kassanum

4 staðir sem ég hef heimsótt í fríum:
Flateyri, Ísland
Tampere, Finnland
Krakow, Pólland
Istanbul, Tyrkland

4 síður sem ég heimsæki daglega:
Vefpostur ÍTR
Hotmail (upphafsíða)

4 máltíðir sem ég held upp á:
Kjúklingur… heimalagður eldaður í ofni…
Eintómt grænmeti með ídýfu..

4 bækur sem ég les oft:
Hringadrottinssaga, en kemst samt ekkert áfram :P

4 staðir sem ég myndi vilja vera á núna:
Annarrsstaðar en í vinnunni
Í heimsókn í Kraká
Litla húsinu mínu í sveitinni

Þrír sem ég klukka:
Linda Ósk

4 jobs I have worked in my life
Vegstiable-market in Flúðir
Flúðirs summerfestical ‘Iðandi dagar’

4 movies I can watch again and again
Humm, most I think.. no one speacial

4 places where I have lived
Skollagróf, Hrunamannahreppi
Dvergabakki 32, Rvk
Blind Ass. Hamrahlíð 17, Rvk

4 faviorite TV shows
Don´t watch TV so I don´t even know what shows are on.

4. places I have visit in my holidays
Flateyri, Iceland
Tampere, Finland
Krakow, Poland
Istanbul, Turkey

4 webpage I visit everyday
ÍTR e-mails (news)
Hotmail (Home page)

4 meals I like
Chicken… homemade… cooked in oven
Rise something…
Lot of vegstiables with someting

4 books I read often
Lord of the Rings, but it goes slowly

4 places where I want to be now
Somewhere else then at work,
Visiting Krakow
In my litlle house in the countryside

Three people I ‘klukk’
Linda Ósk


At 11:12 ap., Blogger hukkatyttö said...

It's nice to be "klukkad" ;)
I guess?
hi hi

At 11:09 ip., Blogger Hjalti said...

Well now you have to answer this list!

At 2:21 ip., Blogger hukkatyttö said...

4 jobs I've had:
garden plants salesperson
supermarket cashier

4 movies I can watch again and again:
Color Purple
Pitkä Kuuma Kesä (yes, it's Finnish)
Wallace & Gromit (the whole lot)
If These Walls Could Talk 2

4 places where I've lived:

4 favourite TV shows:
The only one I watch almost weekly is CSI.
And then I watch the Finnish 20.30 or 22 news daily.
And all interesting documentaries, although those I usually have to tape and then watch later on video.

4 places I've been on holiday:
Stockholm, Sweden
Tallinn, Estonia
Antwerpen, Belgium
London, UK
--all the other places I've been to on working trips

4 webpages I visit daily:
(well, 3-7 actually...)
University of Tampere (especially the e-mail service)
Merriam-Webster's Online
a few blogs of friends

4 foods I like:
pasta with a good sauce
fruit plate
potato wedges

4 books I read often:
cookery books
anything by Roald Dahl
Shipping News by Anne Proulx

4 places where I'd want to be now:
with friends
in a hot tub
taking a sauna
Osaka, Japan

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